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Improvements are continually made to the way people are managed and developed



1. Top managers can give examples of how the evaluation of their investment in people has resulted in improvements in the organisation's strategy for managing and developing people.

2. Managers can give examples of improvements they have made to the way they manage and develop people.

3. People can give examples of improvements that have been made to the way the organisation manages and develops its people.


What this means in practice

Your organisation will be demonstrating how it has improved the way it manages and develops your people. In particular, there will be a positive culture of continuous improvement. People will feel encouraged to look for improvements and to learn from past experiences. People will recognise what managers and senior managers look for in order to improve the performance of the organisation, and they will understand clearly why this is important.

At every level people will contribute to continuous improvement by giving feedback about the relevance or success of learning and development activities. Senior managers will seek to improve how they manage and develop people, and encourage managers to do the same with their teams.

The way people are managed will be reviewed. Based on constructive feedback, your organisation will be seeking to improve the way managers manage people. Managers themselves will be reviewing their own management capabilities and examining how they can develop themselves.

People should be identifying improvements in the way they are being managed and note the ways in which their manager is developing them. They should be able to recognise managers' enhanced knowledge, skills and behaviours, and be motivated to improve their own performance.



We provide a confidential 1 to 1 business coaching service. We get your business unstuck and get it going. Use our simple, proven business tools and techniques to improve performance and profit. We’ll help you set objectives and check your progress.

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We have a proven track record with both large and small businesses across all industry sectors. We measure our performance, and have helped increase clients sales by over £5 million; “If you run a business and you have not spoken with Mike to see how he and his company may be able to assist your company, then, put simply, you must be mad!
Mike Hatherall, Director, Green Sky IT Management

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