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Learning & Development Strategy


The best way to ensure learning and development is planned and linked to your organisation's objectives is to use an appraisal system.

An appraisal is an opportunity to review how past training and development has benefited the individual.

You can download a blank appraisal form << Here >> 

Investors in People provides a clear framework where regular staff appraisals provide evidence of a high performing organisation:

For Example: Learning and development is planned to achieve the organisation’s objectives:


  • Top managers can explain the organisation’s learning and development needs, the plans and resources in place to meet them, how these link to achieving specific objectives and how the impact will be evaluated.
  • Managers can explain team learning and development needs, the activities planned to meet them, how these link to achieving specific team objectives and how the impact will be evaluated.
  • People can describe how they are involved in identifying their learning and development needs and the activities planned to meet them.
  • People can explain what their learning and development activities should achieve for them, their team and the organisation.


A strategy for improving the performance of the organisation is clearly defined and understood.


  • Managers can describe how they involve people when developing the organisation’s business plan and when agreeing team and individual objectives.

This is an opportunity to reinforce the organisation’s goals and targets and spells out exactly what someone is expected to contribute towards these goals.

  • Managers are effective in leading, managing and developing people.


  • Managers can explain how they are effective in leading, managing and developing people.
  • Managers can give examples of how they give people constructive feedback on their performance regularly and when appropriate.
  • People can explain how their managers are effective in leading, managing and developing them.
  • People can give examples of how they receive constructive feedback on their performance regularly and when appropriate.
  • People’s contribution to the organisation is recognised and valued.


  • Managers can give examples of how they recognise and value people’s individual contribution to the organisation.
  • People can describe how they contribute to the organisation and believe they make a positive difference to its performance.
  • People can describe how their contribution to the organisation is recognised and valued.

Your employees should receive structured feedback regarding their contribution to the organisation, and how this is valued.

  • People learn and develop effectively.


  • Managers can describe how they make sure people’s learning and development needs are met.
  • People can describe how their learning and development needs have been met, what they have learnt and how they have applied this in their role.
  • People who are new to the organisation, and those new to a role, can describe how their induction has helped them to perform effectively. 



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